Hands down, one of the most crucial ingredients for success is believing in yourself. So, why don't more people do it?

A big problem with a lot of the younger generation is that they think big dreams are unrealistic. And look, we get it. It's easy to become discouraged when we're bombarded by images of other people doing amazing things, all the time, on all our devices. You can't help but compare yourself to others and feel demoralized when your goals are so far off.

But here's the thing …

If you keep letting OTHERS determine your success, instead of YOU deciding your fate, then you're already setting yourself up for failure.


Nobody said it wouldn’t be hard.

Making your dreams happen will come with tons of challenges. But does that make those dreams unrealistic? Nope. It's all part of the journey.

But more importantly, doing those big things is a matter of believing in ourselves – without hesitation – and getting into the mindset of nothing stopping us from making it happen. Then, the universe gets on our side.  

Think about it … If your dreams seem unrealistic, then what's the motivation to try at all? You've already admitted to yourself it's not possible. Game over.

On the flipside, imagine feeling like ANYTHING is possible. That mindset is empowering! Instead of feeling discouraged by others' success, you feel more determined to do even better.   


It's proven by science.

Studies have shown that self-affirmation – believing in yourself – boosts confidence and results in greater outcomes. On the other hand, when you have "low expectations for your performance, you tend to sink down and meet those low expectations," researchers say.

For top athletes, this is not a new concept.

As Muhammad Ali once said: "It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen."

Yes, building that confidence takes practice and a commitment to believing in yourself. But once the momentum gets going, nothing can stop you.